Theme aggregation


Galen Holt



We need to aggregate outcomes along the theme dimension. For example, we might want to combine EWR pass/fails into the proportion of EWRs contributing to a proximate objective (‘environmental objective’ env_obj) that passed, and then translate that into outcomes for 5-year targets or Waterbirds, etc.

The input data is thus the data coming out of the theme modules (e.g. EWR tool), which is then aggregated. The relationships that define the aggregations are the same as those defining the causal networks- these map finer-scale groups to coarser. Thus, we need to access those relationships (and the make_edges function that builds the links). The demonstrations here are all about the EWR outputs, but the aggregator is agnostic to the input data, provided we have the causal relationships to define the aggregation groupings- we specify the columns to aggregate and any additional grouping variables, which can be anything.

The causal relationships for the EWR tool are provided in the {werptoolkitr} package as causal_ewr, a list of all the mappings. The {werptoolkitr} package also provides all necessary aggregation functions and handling functions for the causal relationships, though like the polygons in the spatial aggregation it is possible to use relationships other than those provided by {werptoolkitr}. In particular, while the EWR tool provides these relationships externally to the module, they may be embedded in other modules, particularly if the responses at different theme levels are modelled mechanistically.

In practice, we expect to interleave spatial, temporal, and thematic aggregation steps- perhaps it makes sense to aggregate along the theme axis to the env_obj scale at a gauge, then scale to the SDL unit, then aggregate to the Objective, scale, and then scale to the basin and long-term targets. We demonstrate such interleaved aggregation elsewhere, and here focus on demonstrating and understanding the meaning of aggregation along the theme axis and how to do it. A similar notebook for spatial aggregation goes into the detail along the spatial dimension.


The theme relationships in the causal network causal_ewr provide the links and structure of the theme scaling, while the values to be scaled come out of the modules. For this demonstration, we provide a set of paths to point to the input data, in this case the outputs from the EWR tool, created by a controller notebook. Spatial units could be any arbitrary polygons, but we use those provided by {werptoolkitr}.

project_dir <- file.path('more_scenarios')
ewr_results <- file.path(project_dir, 'module_output', 'EWR')

Input data to multi_aggregate should be a dataframe (e.g. a dataframe of EWR outputs, sf of spatial outcomes). If we want to pass a path instead of a dataframe (as we might for large runs), we would use read_and_agg, which wraps multi_aggregate, demonstrated in the interleaved notebook. Thus, for the demonstration, we pull in the data produced by the demonstration controller and contained in-repo at the ewr_results path using get_ewr_output below.

Setting aggregation parameters

For each step in the aggregation, we need to specify what levels we are aggregating from and to, the function to use to aggregate, and the mapping between the ‘from’ and ‘to’ levels.

The aggsequence list in multi_aggregate (and theme_aggregate) needs to be nested, e.g. links must be defined in causal_ewrs (or other causal mappings) from the ‘from’ and ‘to’ levels at each step. In other words, we can’t go backwards, and we can’t scale between levels with no defined relationship. However, this does not mean we have to always include every level. If a relationship exists, levels can be jumped (e.g. we could go straight from env_obj to target_20_year_2039), and indeed there may not be a defined ordering of some levels, and so it is perfectly reasonable to go from env_obj to both Objective and Target. For EWR outputs, the aggsequence list will typically need to start with ewr_code_timing and aggregate from there into ewr_code and env_obj as everything else flows from that.

The funsequence is a list instead of a simple vector because multiple functions can be used at each step. When multiple functions are passed, they are factorial (each function is calculated on the results of all previous aggregations). This keeps the history clean, and allows us to easily unpick the meaning of each value in the output.

These aggregation sequences and their associated functions are arguments to multi_aggregate. In practice, they will typically be set to a default value in a parameter file. There is a theme_aggregate function that performs a single-level of theme aggregation, much like spatial_aggregate does for space. I do not focus on that here, because single theme aggregations tend to be less complex than single spatial aggregations, and the capability to pass different sorts of arguments is discussed in space and the syntax notebook. Instead, here we focus on the sequential aggregation provided by multi_aggregate to understand theme aggregation, which is most interesting as a multi-step process along the causal network.

Data overview

The EWR results come in three main flavours- summary over the span of the run, annual, and all, a continuous set. At the time this was written, the all didn’t exist and annual was broken, so we focus here on the summary data, with updating to handle the others very high priority. We read them in with get_ewr_output also provides some cleanup. The wrapper function read_and_agg reads them in internally and then calls multi_aggregate to avoid having all objects for each scenario in memory. That’s what we’d do in production, typically, but here the goal is to see how the theme aggregation works. The get_ewr_output function has additional arguments to filter by gauge and scenario on read-in, allowing parallelisation without overloading memory.

We typically would use prep_ewr_agg (and this is wrapped by multi_aggregate) but that not only calls get_ewr_output, it then makes the data geographic. The geography doesn’t need to happen here since we’re just doing theme.



We’ll pull in the summary data to use for demonstration so we can use multi_aggregate directly. If we want to feed a path instead of a dataframe, we would need to use read_and_agg.

sumdat <- get_ewr_output(ewr_results, type = 'summary')
# Would make it geographic:
# sumdat <- prep_ewr_agg(ewr_results, type = 'summary', geopath = gpath)

There’s an issue with outputType = 'annual' in the version of the EWR tool this was built with. Until I update and test the new EWR tool, skip the annual data.

anndat <- get_ewr_output(ewr_results, type = 'annual')

Note: I originally wrote get_ewr_output to automatically get both the annual and summary ewr output files, but I think given a typical workflow it will make more sense to just wrap it if we want to more than one type of output. Even if we want to use multiple output types (summary, annual, all, etc), they won’t talk to each other for any of the processing steps, so might as well run in parallel.

We’ll choose an example gauge to make it easier to visualise the data.

# Dubbo is '421001', has 24 EWRs
# Warren Weir is '421004', has 30 EWRs. 
example_gauge <- '421001'


As a demonstration, I’ve set a range of theme levels that hit all the theme relationship dataframes from the causal networks defined in causal_ewr, and set the aggregation functions fairly simply, but with two multi-aggregation steps to illustrate how that works. For more complexity in these aggregation functions, see the spatial notebook and aggregation syntax.

I’m using CompensatingFactor as the aggregation function for the ewr_code_timing to ewr_code step here, assuming that passing either timing sub-code means the main code passes. A similar approach could be done if we want to lump the ewr_codes themselves, e.g. put EF4a,b,c,d into EF4. I use both ArithmeticMean and LimitingFactor for the 2nd and 3rd levels to demonstrate multiple aggregations and how the outputs from those steps get carried through subsequent steps.

aggseq <- list(c('ewr_code_timing', 'ewr_code'),
               c('ewr_code', "env_obj"), 
             c('env_obj', "Specific_goal"), 
             c('Specific_goal', 'Objective'), 
             c('Objective', 'target_5_year_2024'))

funseq <- list(c('CompensatingFactor'),
               c('ArithmeticMean', 'LimitingFactor'),
             c('ArithmeticMean', 'LimitingFactor'),

The groupers and aggCols arguments can take a number of different formats- character vectors, bare column names and sometimes tidyselect, though this is more true in theme_aggregate and limited for multi_aggregate as discussed in the syntax documentation. This capability gives the user quite a few options for specifying the columns to use. The use of selectcreator makes it robust to nonexistent columns with failmissing = FALSE.

To create the aggregation, we provide the sequence lists created above, along with the causal links, defined by the causal_edges argument. Because the make_edges function also takes a sequence of node types, we can usually just call make_edges on the list of relationships and the desired set of theme levels. We can also just pass in causal_edges = causal_ewr (the list with all possible links), and theme_aggregate will auto-generate the edges it needs. That’s just a bit less efficient.

simpleThemeAgg <- multi_aggregate(dat = sumdat,
                         causal_edges = make_edges(causal_ewr, aggseq),
                         groupers = c('scenario', 'gauge'),
                         aggCols = 'ewr_achieved',
                         aggsequence = aggseq,
                         funsequence = funseq)

That output has 4 columns of output values because aggregation steps are factorial in the number of aggregation functions applied. The second step found the ArithmeticMean and LimitingFactor for ewr_achieved into env_obj and then the third step found the ArithmeticMean and LimitingFactor for each of those outcomes into Specific_goal. Each subsequent step only found the ArithmeticMean for each, and so the number of output columns stopped growing.

Tracking aggregation steps

Tracking aggregation steps is critical for knowing the meaning of the numbers produced. We can do that in two different ways- in column headers (names) or in columns themselves.

Tracking history in column names is unweildy, but describes exactly what the numbers are and is smaller in memory. For example, the last column is

[1] "target_5_year_2024_ArithmeticMean_Objective_ArithmeticMean_Specific_goal_LimitingFactor_env_obj_LimitingFactor_ewr_code_CompensatingFactor_ewr_achieved"

This says the values in this column are the 5-year targets, calculated as the arithmetic mean of Objectives, which were the arithmetic mean of Specific goals, which were calculated from env_obj as limiting factors, which were obtained from the ewr_code as limiting factors and those were calculated from the ewr_code_timing as compensating factors.

It may be easier to think about the meaning of the names from the other direction- ewr_achieved were aggregated from ewr_code_timing into ewr_code as Compensating Factors, then into env_obj as limiting factors- for the env_obj to pass, all ewr_codes contributing to it must pass. Then the env_objs were aggregated into Specific_goal, again as limiting factors, so to meet a goal, all contributing env_obj must pass. Those Specific_goals were then aggregated into Objectives with the arithmetic mean, so the value for an Objective is then the average of the contributing Specific_goals. Since in this example the Specific_goals will be either 1 or 0, this average gives the proportion of Specific_goals that are met for each Objective. Similarly, the 5-year targets were obtained by averaging the Objectives contributing to them.

A different way to track the aggregations is possible by including them in columns instead of the names. This takes more memory, but can be clearer and makes subsequent uses easier in many cases. For memory purposes, I currently parse the names into columns post-hoc. When we develop the ability to do different aggregations on different groups within a node type, we will need to make the columns as we go (and we will have to use the column method to track, since different things will happen to different values in a column). This is very high priority.

In the example above, we can feed the output data to agg_names_to_cols to put the history in columns instead of names.

agg_names_to_cols(simpleThemeAgg, aggsequence = aggseq, funsequence = funseq, aggCols = 'ewr_achieved')

In practice, what makes most sense is to use a switch (namehistory = FALSE) inside multi_aggregate to return this format.

simpleColHistory <-  multi_aggregate(dat = sumdat,
                         causal_edges = make_edges(causal_ewr, aggseq),
                         groupers = c('scenario', 'gauge'),
                         aggCols = 'ewr_achieved',
                         aggsequence = aggseq,
                         funsequence = funseq,
                         namehistory = FALSE)

Additional demonstrations

The above is a simple example of how to use the aggregation function along the theme dimension but there are more things we can do with it.

Arbitrary input data

There are three main types of input EWR data (summary, annual, and all), but we expect there will be any number of input datasets once other modules exist. Provided the causal relationships are defined for the input sets, the specific input datasets and columns of data to aggregate are general. For example, we can feed it the annual data (type = 'annual') and aggregate two different columns (feed aggCols a vector of column names). In the case of the annual data, we might also want to group by year in addition to gauge and scenario, and so we add year to the groupers vector. We’ll keep the same sequences of aggregation and functions, noting that they now are calculated for both aggCols.

TODO turn back on once update to new EWR without annual bug.

annualColHistory <-  multi_aggregate(dat = anndat,
                                     causal_edges = make_edges(causal_ewr,
                                     groupers = c('scenario', 'gauge', 'year'),
                                     aggCols = c('num_events', 'event_length'),
                                     aggsequence = aggseq,
                                     funsequence = funseq,
                                     namehistory = FALSE)

Returning every stage

By default, we return only the final aggregation after stepping up the full sequence set by aggsequence. But in some cases, we might want to return all of the intermediate aggregations (e.g. at each step of aggsequence). This full aggregation sequence can be useful for testing and checking, but probably more importantly, allows more complete understanding of the results. For visualization, this allows each step to be fed as colour or other attributes to the causal network. To save all steps in the aggregation sequence, we pass saveintermediate = TRUE to multi_aggregate, and it returns a list of tibbles named by the aggregation level instead of a single final tibble. We cannot just attach the stage results as columns to a flat dataframe because the aggregation is many-to-many, and so the rows do not match and are not strictly nested. Thus, each stage needs its own dataframe to avoid duplicating or deleting data. Moreover, using the additional flexibility of a list of dataframes is necessary for interleaved aggregations across theme, space, and time axes.

allsteps  <-  multi_aggregate(dat = sumdat,
                         causal_edges = make_edges(causal_ewr, aggseq),
                         groupers = c('scenario', 'gauge'),
                         aggCols = 'ewr_achieved',
                         aggsequence = aggseq,
                         funsequence = funseq,
                         saveintermediate = TRUE,
                         namehistory = FALSE)

[1] "ewr_code_timing"    "ewr_code"           "env_obj"           
[4] "Specific_goal"      "Objective"          "target_5_year_2024"

Causal plot

By returning values at each stage, we can map those to colour (and later size) in a causal network. In practice, this will happen in the Comparer (and the initial setup data arrangement will be made into a function there), but we can demonstrate it quickly here. Here, we map the values of the aggregation to node color. To do this, I’ll follow the usual causal_plots approach of making edges and nodes, and then use a join to attach the value to each node.

To keep this demonstration from becoming too unwieldy, we limit the edge creation to a single gauge, and so will filter the theme aggregations accordingly (or just rely on the join to drop). The ewr_node_timing outcomes are likely just confusing to include here, so we cut it off.

The first step is to generate the edges and nodes for the network we want to look at.

edges <- make_edges(causal_ewr, 
                    fromtos = aggseq[2:length(aggseq)],
                    gaugefilter = example_gauge)

nodes <- make_nodes(edges)

Now, extract the values we want from the aggregation and join them to the nodes.

TODO this will all be done in a data prep function in the comparer that processes multi-step aggregation lists. This is high priority, but needs thought for how to handle interleaved aggregation along different axes.

# need to grab the right set of aggregations if there are multiple at some stages
whichaggs <- c('CompensatingFactor',

# What is the column that defines the value?
valcol <- 'ewr_achieved'

# Get the values for each node
targetlevels <- names(allsteps)
targetlevels[1] <- 'ewr_code_timing'
aggvals <- extract_vals_causal(allsteps, whichaggs, valcol, 
                               targetlevels = targetlevels)

# Cut off the ewr_code_timing- should really have a drop_step argument to just not return it? In the extract_vals_causal
aggvals <- aggvals %>% dplyr::filter(NodeType != 'ewr_code_timing')
# cut to relevant gauge, then remove- causes problems since node levels above env_obj aren't gauge-referenced
aggvals <- aggvals %>% dplyr::filter(gauge == example_gauge) %>% 

# join to the nodes
nodes_with_vals <- dplyr::left_join(nodes, aggvals)

Make the causal network plot with the nodes we chose and colour by the values we’ve just attached to them from the aggregation. At present, it is easiest to make separate plots per scenario or other grouping ( Figure 1 , Figure 2 ). For example, in the increased watering scenario, we see more light colours, and so better performance across the range of outcomes. Further network outputs are provided in the Comparer.

aggNetwork <- make_causal_plot(nodes = dplyr::filter(nodes_with_vals, 
                                        scenario == 'base'),
                 edges = edges,
                 edge_pal = 'black',
                 node_pal = list(value = 'scico::tokyo'),
                 node_colorset = 'ewr_achieved',
                 render = FALSE)

Figure 1: Causal network for baseline scenario at example gauge, coloured by proportion passing at each node, e.g. Arithmetic Means at every step. Light yellow is 1, dark purple is 0.
aggNetwork <- make_causal_plot(nodes = dplyr::filter(nodes_with_vals, 
                                        scenario == 'up2'),
                 edges = edges,
                 edge_pal = 'black',
                 node_pal = list(value = 'scico::tokyo'),
                 node_colorset = 'ewr_achieved',
                 render = FALSE)

Figure 2: Causal network for 4x scenario at example gauge, coloured by proportion passing at each node, e.g. Arithmetic Means at every step. Light yellow is 1, dark purple is 0.

User-set functions

We have established a simple set of default aggregation functions (ArithmeticMean, GeometricMean, LimitingFactor, and CompensatingFactor), available in default_agg_functions.R. I expect that list to grow, but it is also possible to supply user-defined functions to include in funsequence. Previously, we have used this sort of approach for things like threshold functions. For example, we might want to know the mean event length, but only for events longer than 2 days for the ewr to objective aggregation, and thereafter scale up with ArithmeticMean. We can do this by specifying a new function and including it in the list given to funsequence .

event2 <- function(x) {
  mean(ifelse(x > 2, x, NA), na.rm = TRUE)

newfuns <- list(c('CompensatingFactor'),

This is currently turned off until we update to the new EWR without a bug in the annual results.

annualEv2 <-  multi_aggregate(dat = anndat,
                         causal_edges = make_edges(causal_ewr, aggseq),
                         groupers = c('scenario', 'gauge', 'year'),
                         aggCols = 'event_length',
                         aggsequence = aggseq,
                         funsequence = newfuns,
                         namehistory = FALSE)
# lots of NaN because many years and locations didn't have events > 2, so for ease of viewing, filter
annualEv2 %>% dplyr::filter(!is.nan(event_length))

Gauge and scenario -filtering

Reading in all of the EWR results across all gauges and scenarios could be massive, depending on the spatial scale and the number of scenarios, and so we might want to parallelise over gauges or scenarios. We also might only be interested in some subset for things like plotting. To address this, get_ewr_output has gaugefilter and scenariofilter arguments. This will is particularly useful once we have lots of data that doesn’t fit in memory or want to parallel process - if we have all the data in memory already, we can just pipe it in through a filter (or filter the first argument), but if we read in in parallel from a path, we can greatly speed up processing.

To only read-in the relevant data, we use the read_and_agg wrapper. The gaugefilter argument only works (currently) if there are separate files for each gauge. Once we settle on a data format, I will re-write the gaugefilter differently to only read the desired gauge from the file, though that won’t be possible with interleaved spatial aggregation.

smallreadagg  <-  read_and_agg(datpath = ewr_results, type = 'summary',
                               geopath = bom_basin_gauges,
                               causalpath = causal_ewr,
                               groupers = c('scenario', 'gauge'),
                               aggCols = 'ewr_achieved',
                               aggsequence = aggseq,
                               funsequence = funseq,
                               namehistory = FALSE, 
                               gaugefilter = NULL,
                               scenariofilter = 'base')

table(smallreadagg$gauge, smallreadagg$scenario)
  412002  304
  412004  304
  412005  304
  412011  304
  412012  304
  412016  208
  412033  304
  412038  304
  412039  304
  412046  208
  412122   76
  412124   76
  412163  196
  412188  200
  412189  280
  419001  280
  419006  280
  419007  280
  419012  280
  419015  280
  419016  280
  419020  280
  419021  280
  419022  280
  419026  284
  419027  280
  419028  280
  419032  280
  419039  280
  419045  280
  419049  280
  419091  284
  420020    4
  421001  192
  421004  288
  421011  280
  421012  280
  421019  208
  421022  276
  421023  276
  421090  276
  421146    4
  422001  292
  422028  292

For a one-off that fits in memory, this is slower than filtering the data after it’s in-memory, since the read-in happens first. The advantage comes when we don’t want (or can’t fit) all of the original data in memory, such as parallelisation over scenarios.

The read_and_agg function is also helpful if we just want to use paths as arguments instead of reading the data in and then calling multi_aggregate. In that case, we might not use any *filter arguments, in which case it works just like multi_aggregate, but takes paths instead of objects as arguments. For example, saving all intermediate and no filtering can be done with the path to data ewr_results.

readallsteps <- read_and_agg(datpath = ewr_results, type = 'summary',
                             geopath = bom_basin_gauges,
                             causalpath = causal_ewr,
                             groupers = c('scenario', 'gauge'),
                             aggCols = 'ewr_achieved',
                             aggsequence = aggseq,
                             funsequence = funseq,
                             saveintermediate = TRUE,
                             namehistory = FALSE)

[1] "ewr_code_timing"    "ewr_code"           "env_obj"           
[4] "Specific_goal"      "Objective"          "target_5_year_2024"


The gauge and scenario filtering gives an easy way to parallelise. I haven’t written this into a function yet until we settle on how to use Azure batching with the toolkit. It will likely involve a wrapper around read_and_agg, but could be incorporated as parameters fed to read_and_agg itself. We demo how it works here. Parallelisation will not only speed up the processing, but because we can do the data reads inside the function, parallelisation over scenarios (and gauges, if not spatially-aggregating) avoids reading all the data in at once and so reduces unnecessary memory use.

For this demonstration, we are getting the gauge and scenario lists from previously-read data, but in typical use they would be available from scenario metadata.

::: {#future-export .border: .2px .solid .gray; .color: .gray} Note: future is supposed to handle the .export from the calling environment, and seems to do just fine with everything except the aggregation functions. That can happen with nested foreach inside functions, but I think here it might be happening because of the way we’re using {{}} to pass an arbitrary set of functions. Easy enough to fix, by passing something to .export, but annoying. If we end up not using {future} for parallelisation on Azure, this will be moot. :::

The example below performs the same processing as above to produce output identical to simpleThemeAgg, but done in parallel. This is slower for this small simple demonstration because of overhead, but has the potential to be much faster for larger jobs.

We’re not parallelizing over gauges here because we’re unlikely to be able to do so with interleaved aggregation steps, but a nested loop would work if we are only aggregating in time or theme dimensions.


allgauges <- 'all' # unique(simpleThemeAgg$gauge)
allscenes <- unique(simpleThemeAgg$scenario)

parThemeAgg <- foreach(s = allscenes, 
                       .combine = dplyr::bind_rows) %dopar% {
  # If parallel over gauges
  # foreach(g = allgauges, 
  #         .combine = dplyr::bind_rows) %dopar% {
    read_and_agg(datpath = ewr_results, type = 'summary',
                 geopath = bom_basin_gauges,
                 causalpath = causal_ewr,
                 groupers = c('scenario', 'gauge'),
                 aggCols = 'ewr_achieved',
                 aggsequence = aggseq,
                 funsequence = funseq,
                 namehistory = TRUE, 
                 gaugefilter = NULL,
                 scenariofilter = s)


If we’re doing something here that is too big to return the full output (likely in practice), it would also be straightforward for the parallel loop to save the iterations and not return anything. Then we could read the output in in pieces into the comparer.