Full toolkit overview


Galen Holt


The toolkit may be used stepwise, that is calling the Controller, Aggregator, and Comparer. But it can also be called in one go, feeding all necessary parameters in at once. In this case, we can think of the Controller as simply having larger scope, passing arguments all the way through instead of just to the modules. This can be done in-memory, or saving outputs at each step. In either case, it can be controlled interactively in notebooks, or with a params.yml file, which currently operates a parameterised notebook, but could be made to simply be ingested by Rscript at the command line.

In typical use, we will likely this full-toolkit approach, but making sure we save the output of at least the aggregator. It is very likely that we will want to make different plots for different purposes, and will not necessarily know what they are a-priori. So we’ll want the ability to run additional Comparer notebooks.