Toolkit walkthrough

Full toolkit run


User arguments

  • Paths to input

  • Paths to save output

  • Module arguments (minimal)

  • Aggregation sequence and functions


# Outer directory for scenario
project_dir = file.path('more_scenarios')

# Hydrographs (expected to exist already)
hydro_dir = file.path(project_dir, 'hydrographs')

# Generated data
# EWR outputs (will be created here in controller, read from here in aggregator)
ewr_results <- file.path(project_dir, 'module_output', 'EWR')

# outputs of aggregator. There may be multiple modules
agg_results <- file.path(project_dir, 'aggregator_output')

EWR controls

  • Other modules as they are available
outputType <- list('summary')
returnType <- list('none') # list('summary', 'all')

Aggregation sequencing

  • Sequence of steps

  • Sequence of functions

aggseq <- list(ewr_code = c('ewr_code_timing', 'ewr_code'),
               env_obj =  c('ewr_code', "env_obj"),
               sdl_units = sdl_units,
               Specific_goal = c('env_obj', "Specific_goal"),
               catchment = cewo_valleys,
               Objective = c('Specific_goal', 'Objective'),
               mdb = basin,
               target_5_year_2024 = c('Objective', 'target_5_year_2024'))

funseq <- list(c('CompensatingFactor'),
               rlang::quo(list(wm = ~weighted.mean(., w = area, 
                                        na.rm = TRUE))),
               rlang::quo(list(wm = ~weighted.mean(., w = area, 
                                    na.rm = TRUE))),

Run the toolkit

Typically automatically

  • Run hydrographs through modules

  • Aggregate and save responses

  • Comparisons/analyses


  • Currently just EWR

  • Where are hydrographs

  • Where to save output

ewr_out <- prep_run_save_ewrs_R(scenario_dir = hydro_dir, 
                                  output_dir = project_dir, 
                                  outputType = outputType,
                                  returnType = returnType)


Returning instead of saving for presentation

  • Sequence (levels of each theme, space, time axis)

  • Aggregation functions at each step

agged_data <- read_and_agg(datpath = ewr_results, 
           type = 'summary',
           geopath = bom_basin_gauges,
           causalpath = causal_ewr,
           groupers = 'scenario',
           aggCols = 'ewr_achieved',
           aggsequence = aggseq,
           funsequence = funseq,
           saveintermediate = TRUE,
           namehistory = FALSE,
           keepAllPolys = FALSE,
           returnList = TRUE,
           savepath = NULL)


  • Standardised formats using plot_outcomes function

  • Different plots for different purposes

  • Small selection follows

Input hydrographs

Maps and spatial scaling

Bars- SDL units and scenarios

SDL unit differences in all environmental objectives

Objective and scenario comparisons

Lines and baseline

Change relative to baseline available to all plots

  • Disproportionate response


Smoothed fit of all environmental objectives in each group

  • Relative to baseline

Causal networks

Where next?

  • Real scenarios
    • Flow scaling

    • Case study

  • Capacity extension
    • Modules

    • Aggregation

    • Azure/large runs

  • Socialisation
    • Users/maintainers/builders

    • Output needs and targets

    • Links to other programs